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2007 Trends #1 Enterprise 2.0

You may know that on the internet people commonly blog, participating in communities, generate content on video, photo, power-point sharing applications. They browse and write blogs, they read and write wikis. They publish and subscribe to feeds using RSS, and share documents and information on groupwares. Those social web application that are used by the general public on the internet are known under the buzzname Web 2.0 coined by Tim O’Reilly..

Many companies were born of that. Yahoo recently bought, a bookmark sharing application. They bought flickr a photo-sharing application, Google bought, an online word processor that allows you to share files. Google bought, which is a wiki farm ASP provider – so that on the internet anyone can set up a wiki and start to read and write web pages.

The trend next year will be to use the same design philosophies, technologies, approaches, interfaces rules that became famous under the buzzname Web 2.0 inside enterprises, into enterprise web applications. I call this trend Enterprise 2.0.

To summarize, I think one of the big trends will be the use of the same philosophy and approach in the Web 2.0 world, inside enterprises. So people in companies will trash their C drives and email boxes and start working in another way that allows them better access to information, better discrimination into relevant information. Instead of getting thousands of emails, they’ll subscribe to rss feeds that will give them information about the topics they need.

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